Living with Mixed Emotions
It's funny how I can simultaneously be confident and scared. I guess these are competing parts of my psyche trying to lay claim to the future. My confidence comes from the idea that our futures are made by us and don't happen to us. Whether it's reading 'Think and Grow Rich' or listening to countless self-help and motivation videos on YouTube, (while the logical part of me hates to admit it), I do see some profound truth in this.

I started setting concrete goals for myself a few years ago with 3-month timelines. Following the advice of Earl Nightingale, I laminated these and put them up in my bathroom window for only me to see each day. I found there is an amazing transformational power that comes from simply putting things onto paper. While I must admit I haven't been successful in achieving all of these, for the most part, my life is better because of it. I might summarise by saying unlike most people if you ask me what I want and what I'm doing about it, I have an answer.
“Most people don’t know what they want. Do you?” Earl Nightingale
The Fear that Lurks in the Background
The fear comes from those moments when I 'come back to reality'. I say that in inverted commas because I don't know which of the two is a reality for certain. My pessimistic brain tells me that all of these goals and plans may never happen and that I'm going to be a failure. I guess that's the real worry; it's not the not achieving but the embarrassment. However, I try not to spend too much time in this state, because I find the antidote to this worry is the reminder that no one really cares and ultimately we will all die one day and then no one will care. Furthermore, if I fast forward 20 years, I'll regret not trying more than if I did and failed.
The Danger of Fear
The problem is though, that the fear has damaging effects. I read somewhere or perhaps heard on a podcast that a study showed that it is more important to eliminate negative thoughts than to develop a positive attitude if an entrepreneur wishes to be successful. I have been working tirelessly on TTG website and business for almost two months, but I have been holding off on going live with the new website, services, and social media.
Why? I think it's because when I do, the outcome will no longer be a possibility in my mind, but in reality. Am I not going live with social media because I'm worried that people will laugh, or it won't have the impact I hope for? Am I self-sabotaging?
Let's go!
I'm not going to anymore. All the delays have happened and I'm going to present it to the world and make it successful. The next steps now are to set up Google ads for the business and then to start posting on social media.
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